Thursday, March 21, 2013

More than a Membrane

Today you learned about the organelles inside an animal cell as well as review the structure of a cell membrane.  We wrapped up class with each of you sharing a Want Ad for a part of the cell.

Tonight for homework click on the picture below to link to the Utah Genetics site.  First go through the What's is DNA section then go through the What is a Chromosome section and answer the questions below.

If you are running out of internet time you can download the tour (although the site should be cleared through IT).

Questions for What is DNA
1. How many total chromosomes does a human have?
2. What are the four bases in DNA?
3. DNA must follow certain base paring rules.  Write each letter with its corresponding pair.
4. Draw the structure of DNA.  Be sure to label the following parts: hydrogen bonds, sugar phosphate backbone, and include all four correctly paired bases.
5. What do the DNA bases (code letters) stand for?
6. Each of the words in a DNA "sentence" contains ____ letters.

Questions for What is a Chromosome
1. Suggest a reason why DNA needs to be packaged into chromosomes.
2. What can you learn from looking at a picture of chromosomes?
3. What are the sex chromosomes for a female? What are the sex chromosomes for a male?

After seeing this brief preview of DNA and chromosomes, write down three questions you have about DNA and/or chromosomes.  These could also be questions about something you'd like to learn more about. 

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