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Study Skills Handouts
The Experimental Method, from Colby College
General Lab Report Rubric
Biology Glossary
Lab Bench
Make your own crossword puzzle
Various Flash Animations
Syllabus Information
Academic Honesty In Science
Science is, by definition, a collaborative endeavor. Therefore, many of the assignments you hand
in will be the products of working with other students. This is especially true of homework and lab
reports. However, all work you hand in
must be produced individually and represent your own personal
comprehension. Simply rewording or
paraphrasing another person's work is the same as copying verbatim. The science department will consider such
work to be plagiarized.
tests, and final exams: Your signature on the test or exam certifies
that you have neither given nor received aid for such assignments. This is true for in-class, take-home, and
electronic quizzes and tests.
reports: By putting your name on the lab report, you
agree to the following statement. “I
certify that the work that I have submitted in this lab report is entirely my
own. While my lab group and I worked
together to collect the data and may have discussed what conclusions could be
drawn, I produced all of the work included here. All graphs, tables, and written explanations
that were produced outside the lab were done on my own. I have provided a reference for any ideas or
information that I got from another source.”
Homework: When your teachers collect homework, they expect that the
work on the paper is your own and represents your own comprehension. While it is acceptable to ask questions of
another student for a homework assignment, simply copying another student's
work is not only a waste of time, but is also plagiarism.
Research papers require that you seek information from outside
sources. You must cite your sources by
using either footnotes or some other acceptable “references cited” method. Do not make the mistake of citing only direct
quotes. You must cite references for
information obtained from other sources even if you paraphrase or reword the
Extra Help: I am
available for consultation on Mondays and Wednesdays, as well as by
appointment. If you give yourself a one
or a zero score for your daily assessment, you must come to consultation.
Grading: The fall
semester is pass / fail, instead of seeing a grade ( B+, 8.5/10 etc) you will
see three categories: meets expectations (ME), needs improvement (NI), falls
serious short of expectations (FS). You
will be expected to continually reflect on your performance throughout the
Homework: Homework
will be incorporated into the following day’s class. A late assignment defeats the purpose of
completing it. Therefore, late homework
will not be accepted and will be graded as a zero.
Make-up Work: You are responsible for obtaining
missed assignments. If you know in advance you will be missing class for
co-curriculars, an appointment etc. you should notify me in advance.
Late Work Policy: As previously stated, late homework
is not accepted. Late projects will be
accepted up to three calendar days after the due date, with a loss in
credit. After the third day the project
will no longer be accepted.
Extensions: Extensions will not be given except in
the event of extenuating circumstances, so plan your time wisely.
Attendance is mandatory at all class meetings. Additionally, if you are 10 minutes late
to class you will receive a absence.
Class participation: In
order to make the most progress in this class you will need to participate
actively. Participating in class not
only means sharing your ideas but also coming prepared and on time.
Notebook: Must be a binder that contains a table of contents. All pages must be numbered.
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