Thursday, September 20, 2012

Testing a hypothesis

Today we tested your hypothesis about plankton in the pond.  On September 17th, you submitted the following:


We could test the amount of plankton in shady areas and sunny areas to determine if the shade makes a difference on the photosynthetic phytoplankton and the zooplankton that eat the phytoplankton.

So, our hypothesis is…

If the amount of shade increases, then the amount of plankton in that area will decrease because the phytoplankton need sun to photosynthesize and the zooplankton stay where the phytoplankton are so they can eat the phytoplankton.

Below is the data we collected, because we needed to share the waders, we didn't get to sample site three (you also have a link to the data in your email).

The post lab questions are due in class on Tuesday.

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