Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bacteria, Gene Expression and Cancer.

We had a busy day in class today. You set up your LB plates for the bacterial growth, sampling from areas all around the Kirby Science Center.

After lab you shared your research on tuberculosis and we evaluated the credibility of your sources.  Following a quick review of gene expression in prokaryotes, we started to learn about gene expression in eukaryotes.

Homework: Read, annotate and answer the questions on pages 3-6 in the epigenetics packet.

Here are the links we looked at in class:
The epigenome at a glance animation.
GFP Gene control
HHMI Cell's Differentiation 
William Li's Can We Eat to Starve Cancer TED Talk

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Evolutionary Arms Race

Today we started our work on bacteria by watching a clip from PBS's evolutionary arms race (below).
You developed a question from the video and your homework tonight is to find the answer to that question and write an annotated bibliography for your source.

What should an annotated bibliography contain?

  • Complete bibliographic information
  • Evaluation of why you feel this work is suitable for your topic.
  • Some or all of the following:
    • Information to explain the authority and/or qualifications of the author.  For example: Dr. William Smith, a history professor at XYZ University, based his book on twenty years of research.
    • Scope and main purpose of work.
    • Any bias that you detect.
    • Intended audience and reading difficulty

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Homework for Tuesday

For Tuesday please complete the remaining questions for the Neuroses article.  In class you drew a line to indicate the questions that you had completed in class.  Be sure to complete these questions on your own.