Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Using a new platform this term

Our class has been selected to try out a new learning management software, as a result this blog will no longer be updated.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mental Inventory Preview

Today we reviewed the major themes in evolution, experimental design and clarified the differences standard error of the mean and standard deviation.

Below is your last question on tomorrow's mental inventory:

Our theme for this term was "what/who lives where and why." Using what you know about ecology and evolution, choose an organisms we have talked about this term and explain how ecology and evolution have influenced where this organism lives and why.

For each question you will be asked to evaluate your answer as "meets expectations," "needs improvement" or "falls seriously short of expectations."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Homework for Tuesday

On Friday in class we read an article on food preference by birds and mammals and the spiciness of chili peppers.  Tomorrow the question sheet for the article is due.  Also a reminder that on Friday you will have a mental inventory on evolution.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's been a long time...

....since we last met.  Today we reviewed your homework from before the Hurrication (see post below).  We discussed how it is important to standardize data collection as well as when planning your experiment think about how you will present your data.

We discussed part of the paper from Kelly et. al (see below) on why a pie chart is NEVER a good idea (click the picture to make it bigger).

Homework: Design an experiment to test if squirrels prefer spicy or non-spicy acorns.  Remember to think about the data that you will collect, sample size and creating a standardized procedure.

In class on Thursday you will present and defend your ideas to the class.